Ankr Reward Bearing Staked ETH
Ankr is a Web 3.0 infrastructure provider that offers a distributed multi-cloud blockchain infrastructure for node deployment and management, as well as instant API access to the main blockchains and DeFi protocols.
News about Ankr Reward Bearing Staked ETH
23 Jan 2023, 11:58
2009: Bitcoin
2010: Mining
2011: Altcoins
2015: Ethereum
2017: ICOs
2019: DeFi
2020: Yield farming
2021: NFTs
2022: DAOs
2023: LSDs
2009: Bitcoin. 2010: Mining. 2011: Altcoins. 2015: Ethereum. 2017: ICOs. 2019: DeFi. 2020: Yield farming. 2021: NFTs.2009: Bitcoin
2010: Mining
2011: Altcoins
2015: Ethereum
2017: ICOs
2019: DeFi
2020: Yield farming
2021: NFTs
2022: DAOs
2023: LSDs
21 Jan 2023, 21:42
We all know LSDs are trending right now 💊
🔥 Ankr has been mentioned by @ICODrops as one of the top 5 liquid staking providers!
We all know LSDs are trending right now. Ankr has been mentioned by @ICODrops as one of the top 5 liquid staking providers.We all know LSDs are trending right now 💊
🔥 Ankr has been mentioned by @ICODrops as one of the top 5 liquid staking providers!
https://t.co/5l3IdsVNi9 https://t.co/oxl01A9TpI
19 Jan 2023, 19:40
Our ankrBNB/BNB LP (@Ellipsisfi - @DotDotDotFi) currently has over 30% APY ⚡️💥
Our ankrBNB/BNB LP (@Ellipsisfi - @DotDotDotFi) currently has over 30% APY ️.Our ankrBNB/BNB LP (@Ellipsisfi - @DotDotDotFi) currently has over 30% APY ⚡️💥 https://t.co/AAFbeMYq2U
11 Jan 2023, 12:10
RT @Crypto_Dep: ⚡️Top Liquid #Staking Tokens by MC
10 January 2023
The Shanghai upgrade of the #Ethereum $ETH has increased the demand for…
RT @Crypto_Dep: ️Top Liquid #Staking Tokens by MC. 10 January 2023.RT @Crypto_Dep: ⚡️Top Liquid #Staking Tokens by MC
10 January 2023
The Shanghai upgrade of the #Ethereum $ETH has increased the demand for…
05 Jan 2023, 18:51
RT @ankr: 1/ The exploit case is ongoing. We did not release updates regarding its status due to the fact that we are working with law enfo…
RT @ankr: 1/ The exploit case is ongoing.RT @ankr: 1/ The exploit case is ongoing. We did not release updates regarding its status due to the fact that we are working with law enfo…
02 Jan 2023, 08:05
Our ankrBNB bribe to give liquidity on @Ellipsisfi is now available on @DotDotDotFi 🤝
Check it out 👇
Our ankrBNB bribe to give liquidity on @Ellipsisfi is now available on @DotDotDotFi. Check it out.Our ankrBNB bribe to give liquidity on @Ellipsisfi is now available on @DotDotDotFi 🤝
Check it out 👇
31 Dec 2022, 19:10
RT @ankr: Happy New Year from the Ankr Team, we wish you all the best for 2023 💙 🍾
Thank you for all your continuous support ✨ https://t.c…
RT @ankr: Happy New Year from the Ankr Team, we wish you all the best for 2023.RT @ankr: Happy New Year from the Ankr Team, we wish you all the best for 2023 💙 🍾
Thank you for all your continuous support ✨ https://t.c…
30 Dec 2022, 11:08
💪We have created a new ankrBNB-BNB Crypto pool on
Find out more about the new Crypto pool ⬇️
We have created a new ankrBNB-BNB Crypto pool on. @Ellipsisfi. Find out more about the new Crypto pool.💪We have created a new ankrBNB-BNB Crypto pool on
Find out more about the new Crypto pool ⬇️
https://t.co/25NREyUnWd https://t.co/SILYrnET6W
22 Dec 2022, 10:30
RT @izumi_Finance: 1/2 Regarding the recent exploit on aBNBc, we are thankful that @ankr has taken the responsibility and made a reimbursem…
RT @izumi_Finance: 1/2 Regarding the recent exploit on aBNBc, we are thankful that @ankr has taken the responsibility and made aRT @izumi_Finance: 1/2 Regarding the recent exploit on aBNBc, we are thankful that @ankr has taken the responsibility and made a reimbursem…
21 Dec 2022, 18:09
Wallets that provided BNB lending and aBNBc collateral on Midas Capital's @ankr isolated lending pool will receive today a BNB and ankrBNB airdrop of 100% of the amount provided at the time of aBNBc exploit.
Wallets that provided BNB lending and aBNBc collateral on Midas Capital's @ankr isolated lending pool will receive today a BNB aWallets that provided BNB lending and aBNBc collateral on Midas Capital's @ankr isolated lending pool will receive today a BNB and ankrBNB airdrop of 100% of the amount provided at the time of aBNBc exploit.
21 Dec 2022, 16:57
The airdrop to Wombat BNBx LP has been executed to wallets that held directly, and indirectly BNBx LP.
80% were distributed in ankrBNB tokens, and 20% in BNBx tokens, which were exactly the same conditions as stkBNB LP airdrop.
The airdrop to Wombat BNBx LP has been executed to wallets that held directly, and indirectly BNBx LP.The airdrop to Wombat BNBx LP has been executed to wallets that held directly, and indirectly BNBx LP.
80% were distributed in ankrBNB tokens, and 20% in BNBx tokens, which were exactly the same conditions as stkBNB LP airdrop.
20 Dec 2022, 18:35
After Action Report: Our Findings From the aBNBc Token Exploit
We just released a new blog post that goes in-depth about this:
A 🧵
After Action Report: Our Findings From the aBNBc Token Exploit. We just released a new blog post that goes in-depth about this:.After Action Report: Our Findings From the aBNBc Token Exploit
We just released a new blog post that goes in-depth about this: https://t.co/fyagjhODNG
A 🧵 https://t.co/d6psUbpxNY
19 Dec 2022, 21:00
1/ More info in regards to Wombat BNB LP tokens compensation plan
Wallets that directly or indirectly held Wombat BNB LP tokens will receive a BNB airdrop compensating 100% of the tokens they held today and tomorrow.
1/ More info in regards to Wombat BNB LP tokens compensation plan.1/ More info in regards to Wombat BNB LP tokens compensation plan
Wallets that directly or indirectly held Wombat BNB LP tokens will receive a BNB airdrop compensating 100% of the tokens they held today and tomorrow.
19 Dec 2022, 16:15
RT @StakingRewards: 🚨 REPORT DROP 🚨 We surveyed 30 Staking Providers, 1.7k crypto users, and interviewed top industry leaders to bring you…
RT @StakingRewards: REPORT DROP We surveyed 30 Staking Providers, 1.RT @StakingRewards: 🚨 REPORT DROP 🚨 We surveyed 30 Staking Providers, 1.7k crypto users, and interviewed top industry leaders to bring you…
15 Dec 2022, 09:54
We have completed an airdrop for stkBNB LP wallets.
The wallets received ankrBNB and stkBNB.
We have completed an airdrop for stkBNB LP wallets. The wallets received ankrBNB and stkBNB.We have completed an airdrop for stkBNB LP wallets.
The wallets received ankrBNB and stkBNB.
14 Dec 2022, 17:43
On December 12th, @ankr and @pStakeFinance agreed to work together to facilitate the recovery airdrop for the relevant affected stkBNB LPs on @WombatExchange at the time of the snapshot (Dec. 2, before aBNBc exploit).
On December 12th, @ankr and @pStakeFinance agreed to work together to facilitate the recovery airdrop for the relevant affectedOn December 12th, @ankr and @pStakeFinance agreed to work together to facilitate the recovery airdrop for the relevant affected stkBNB LPs on @WombatExchange at the time of the snapshot (Dec. 2, before aBNBc exploit).
13 Dec 2022, 12:01
RT @ankr: Today we completed 2 airdrops.
1st - ankrBNB airdrop to @DotDotDotFi, @izumi_Finance, & @KalmyAPP
2nd - BNB airdrop to @Pancak…
RT @ankr: Today we completed 2 airdrops. 1st - ankrBNB airdrop to @DotDotDotFi, @izumi_Finance, & @KalmyAPP.RT @ankr: Today we completed 2 airdrops.
1st - ankrBNB airdrop to @DotDotDotFi, @izumi_Finance, & @KalmyAPP
2nd - BNB airdrop to @Pancak…
10 Dec 2022, 10:39
RT @ankr: Today Ankr started airdroping ankrBNB to all aBNBc and aBNBb token holders (wallet only, not including smart contracts holding th…
RT @ankr: Today Ankr started airdroping ankrBNB to all aBNBc and aBNBb token holders (wallet only, not including smart contractsRT @ankr: Today Ankr started airdroping ankrBNB to all aBNBc and aBNBb token holders (wallet only, not including smart contracts holding th…
02 Dec 2022, 10:26
RT @ankr: The team at Ankr has assessed the damage and it is max 5M USD worth of BNB from the liquidity pools.
We are currently working ha…
RT @ankr: The team at Ankr has assessed the damage and it is max 5M USD worth of BNB from the liquidity pools.RT @ankr: The team at Ankr has assessed the damage and it is max 5M USD worth of BNB from the liquidity pools.
We are currently working ha…
02 Dec 2022, 08:25
RT @ankr: Our aBNB token has been exploited, and we are currently working with exchanges to immediately halt trading.
RT @ankr: Our aBNB token has been exploited, and we are currently working with exchanges to immediately halt trading.01 Dec 2022, 17:08
RT @CryptoGucci: Happy Anniversary to the Ethereum Beacon Chain! 🥳
The Beacon Chain has now been running perfectly for 2 years https://t.c…
RT @CryptoGucci: Happy Anniversary to the Ethereum Beacon Chain.RT @CryptoGucci: Happy Anniversary to the Ethereum Beacon Chain! 🥳
The Beacon Chain has now been running perfectly for 2 years https://t.c…
01 Dec 2022, 10:30
29 Nov 2022, 09:35
📣 Join us in an AMA with @ObolNetwork!
We are very excited to host the Obol team and get to know what they are building!
⏰ 5:30PM UTC
Join us in an AMA with @ObolNetwork. We are very excited to host the Obol team and get to know what they are building. TODAY.📣 Join us in an AMA with @ObolNetwork!
We are very excited to host the Obol team and get to know what they are building!
⏰ 5:30PM UTC
https://t.co/Tb8UejGvjC https://t.co/NcycMmI6ud
23 Nov 2022, 13:14
⚡️🥩 Over 56,000 $ETH have been staked with Ankr Staking!
️ Over 56,000 $ETH have been staked with Ankr Staking.⚡️🥩 Over 56,000 $ETH have been staked with Ankr Staking!
23 Nov 2022, 12:05
Must watch interview! 😉
📹 Our Chief of DeFi @FilipeDeFi recently spoke to @StakingRewards during the #StakingSummit2022 about @ankrstaking and Liquid Staking!
Watch the interview below 👇
Must watch interview.Must watch interview! 😉 https://t.co/PIpLvANzs6
📹 Our Chief of DeFi @FilipeDeFi recently spoke to @StakingRewards during the #StakingSummit2022 about @ankrstaking and Liquid Staking!
Watch the interview below 👇
22 Nov 2022, 18:00
RT @BSCNews: More than 100 million $ANKR tokens have been staked. This is an important milestone for @ankr and @ankrstaking. Congrats!
RT @BSCNews: More than 100 million $ANKR tokens have been staked. This is an important milestone for @ankr and @ankrstaking.RT @BSCNews: More than 100 million $ANKR tokens have been staked. This is an important milestone for @ankr and @ankrstaking. Congrats!